Page 6 - St. Paul, MN Central Station Design Guidelines
P. 6

1.1              How to Use This Appendix

                                                          Bringing  light rail transit  to  downtown Saint Paul         Chapter 3: Design Framework and Key Design
                                                          creates a signature  opportunity  to reinforce  and   Principles outlines  general  organizational  concepts
                                                          enhance  downtown Saint Paul  as a contemporary,   for  the  block  and  the  key  design principles for  new
                                                          vibrant  heart  of  the  city  for  living,  working and   development, including massing, architectural details,
                                                          culture.  It  is an  opportunity  to  put  downtown Saint   materials,  entrances,  windows, site design and
                                                          Paul “on the map” through a series of targeted city-  pedestrian safety in and around the block.
                                                          building initiatives:  strengthening  and  distinguishing
                                                          downtown’s development market; promoting large and   Chapter  4: General  Design Guidelines  for  New
                                                          small  place-making  efforts;  and  improving  mobility   Development  on the  Central  Station Block expands
                                                          options and access to jobs, housing and community   on the  general  design principles presented  in
                                                          services.                                        Chapter 3 and provides detail on appropriate future
                                                                                                           development. This chapter provides design guidelines
                                                          This  Appendix presents  design principles and   for topics such as site plan, architectural character,
                                                          guidelines  for  the  redevelopment  of the  Central   mass and form, exterior  building  materials,  building
                                                          Station  block  in  downtown Saint  Paul.  The  design   activation  (ground-level,  skyway and  atrium  levels)
                                                          principles and  guidelines  provide guidance  for  new   and the potential for new parking structures on the
                                                          development that responds to the history of the block   block.
                                                          and  its context, addressing  site  plan, architectural
                                                          character, building  design, mass and form,  exterior   This chapter also provides infill examples to illustrate
                                                          building materials,  public space  activation  and   how these  design  guidelines  could  be interpreted
                                                          structured parking.                              and could result in a successful development of the
                                                                                                           block. The  four  scenarios  that  are  presented  are
                                                          Chapter  2: Central  Station  Block  Development  and   hypothetical in nature, and are meant to simply provide
                                                          Existing Conditions describes the Central Station block   visualizations through models and text that describe
                                                          and its history. This section explains each important   important  features  of  each  scenario. In no  way are
                                                          phase of development the block has experienced, the   these four scenarios the only types of development
                                                          historic buildings that create the context of the block,   that can happen on the Central Station block.
                                                          characteristics  of  these  buildings and  the  physical
                                                          elements  of  the  block  that  will  influence  future

         2  introduction
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