Page 43 - State College, PA Design Guidelines
P. 43

•  06.28.2018

            Addition Location

            This section addresses the location and orientation of an addition relative to
            the existing historic structure and its site. An addition should be located in a
            manner that minimally impacts the existing historic structure.
            3.1    Locate an addition so that it is subordinate to the
                   historic structure.
                   a. Place an addition to the rear of the historic building where site
                     constraints do not prohibit doing so.
                   b. Consider a compatible side addition if a rear addition is not  Locate an addition so that it is subordinate to
                     possible.                                                     the historic structure. (Houston, TX)

                   c. Locate a side addition to be set back from the building front of
                     the historic building. Do not locate the front wall of an addition to
                     be flush with the building front of the historic building.
                   d. Do not locate an addition forward of the building front of the
                     historic building.

            3.2    Locate an addition to a historic building to minimize
                   damage to the historic building and its site.                   Set a rooftop addition back from the primary
                                                                                   facade to reduce its visual impact, help preserve
                   a. Locate an addition to preserve the original site topography,   the historic roof form, differentiate the addition
                     character-defining site features, trees and significant district vistas  from the original facade and remain subordinate
                     and public views.                                             to the existing structure. (Houston, TX)
                   b. Design an addition to minimize the loss of historic fabric and to
                     ensure the character-defining features of the historic building are  REFER TO ZONING
                     not destroyed, damaged or obscured.                            ORDINANCE
            3.3    Design a rooftop addition to minimize impacts on the             Additions must abide by the standards
                   historic structure and the historic district context.            presented in the zoning ordinance,
                                                                                    including height restrictions.
                   a. Set a rooftop addition back from the building front to reduce its
                     visual impact and help preserve the historic roof form.
                   b. Set a rooftop addition back from the side walls of the existing
                     structure to reduce potential visual impacts and help preserve the
                     existing roof form and historic building materials.

            CHAPTER 3   •   ADDITIONS   •   HARB REVIEW REQUIRED                                                  37
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