Page 48 - State College, PA Design Guidelines
P. 48
06.28.2018 •
Exterior Materials and Finishes
Exterior materials of additions should be compatible with materials used in
the historic context and should be a less detailed version of those used on
the historic building.
3.8 Use exterior materials and finishes that are similar, but
visually subordinate to those of the original historic
building and historic context.
Use exterior materials and finishes that are a. Consider using a material that is a simplified version of the
similar, but visually subordinate to those of the historic building material. For instance, when designing an
original historic building and historic context.
(Fort Collins, CO) addition to a historic stone building, consider using a stone of a
simplified pattern.
b. Where the exterior materials on an addition are similar materials
to those of the original building, visually distinguish the addition
from the original building, such as through a setback of the
addition from the front wall plane of the historic building or trim
c. Where exterior materials are used on an addition that are
different from those of the historic building, use materials that are
found in the historic context or alternative materials similar in
appearance to those found in the historic district.
Where exterior materials are used on an
addition that are different from those of the
historic building, use materials that are found in
the historic context. (Fort Collins, CO)