Page 74 - State College, PA Design Guidelines
P. 74

06.28.2018   •

                                            Building Walls and Materials

                                            Individual historic building walls should be repaired and preserved wherever
                                            possible. Primary historic building materials also should be preserved. If the
                                            material is damaged, then limited replacement, which matches the original,
                                            should be considered. These materials should never be covered or subjected
                                            to harsh cleaning treatments. Preserving original building materials and
                                            limiting replacement to only portions that are deteriorated beyond repair
                                            reduces the demand for, and environmental impacts from, the production of
                                            new materials and thus is sound sustainability policy as well.

                                            EXTERIOR BUILDING WALLS

        Preserve an original building material.  A building generally presents four walls. These often are character-defining
                                            features of a property, but the degree of significance may vary from wall to
                                            wall. The front and first 50% of the sides of the historic building are typically
         SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS               the most important aspects of a building. These historic walls are key to
         ON EXTERIOR WALLS                  defining the significance of a property and should be preserved.
         For more information about using
         substitute materials on the exterior
         of a historic building, review the   6.5   Preserve the key historic walls of a building.
         National Park Service Preservation Brief   a.  Maintain significant historic character-defining walls in their
         16: The Use of Substitute Materials on        original form.
         Historic Building Exteriors. A hard copy
         is available for review in the Planning   b.  Pay special attention to maintaining the historic appearance of
         Department.                                   building walls of corner buildings.

                                            EXTERIOR MATERIALS AND FINISHES
         HISTORIC WOODWORK                  Historic building materials should be preserved in place whenever feasible. If
         For more information about how to   the material is damaged, then limited replacement which matches the original
         properly treat exterior surfaces with   should be considered. These materials should never be covered. Preserving
         paint, to remove paint from a historic   original building materials and limiting replacement to only pieces which
         building or to repaint a historic   are deteriorated beyond repair reduces the demand for, and environmental
         building, review the National Park   impacts from, the production of new materials. A variety of building materials
         Service Preservation Brief 10: Exterior   including horizontal wood siding, stone and brick are used throughout State
         Paint Problems on Historic Woodwork. A   College’s local historic districts; the design guidelines below apply to all
         hard copy is available for review in the   materials.
         Planning Department.
                                            6.6    Preserve an original building material.

                                                   a.  Protect a historic building material from deterioration.
                                                   b.  Do not remove a historic material that is in good condition.
                                                   c.  Remove only those materials which are deteriorated, and must
                                                       be replaced.

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