Page 50 - Waxahachie, TX Residential Design Guidelines
P. 50

Pl annin g a Preservation Project

             deteRmining hoW                  c h o o s i n g   a   t R e a t m e n t   s t R a t e g y
             to tReat a key                   Selecting an appropriate treatment for key features of a historic
             featuRe of a histoRic            building provides for proper preservation of the historic fabric. The
             ResouRce                         method that requires the least intervention is always preferred.
             TREATMENT 1:

                                              Treatment 1: Preserve

                       Preserve               If a feature is intact and in good condition, maintain it as such.

             TREATMENT 2:

                                              Treatment 2: Repair
                        Repair                If the feature is deteriorated or damaged, repair it to its original

             TREATMENT 3:

                                              Treatment 3: Replace
                                              If it is not feasible to repair the feature, then replace it in kind (e.g.
                                              materials, detail, finish). Replace only that portion which is beyond

             TREATMENT 4:

                                              Treatment 4: Reconstruct
                      Reconstruct             If the feature is missing entirely, reconstruct it from appropriate
                                              evidence. Also, if a portion of a feature is missing, it can be

             TREATMENT 5:
                                              Treatment 5: Compatible Alteration
                                              If a new feature (one that did not exist previously) or addition is
                Compatible Alterations        necessary, design it in such a way as to minimize the impact on

                                              original features. It is also important to distinguish new features on
                                              a historic building from original historic elements, even if in subtle

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