Page 122 - Corvallis, OR Historic Preservation Plan
P. 122

Historic Preservation Plan

                                                  7.  Chemical  or  physical  treatments,  if  appropriate,  shall  be
                                                      undertaken  using  the  gentlest  means  possible.  Treatments
                                                      that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used.

                                                  8.  Archeological  resources  shall  be  protected  and  preserved
                                                      in  place.  If  such  resources  must  be  disturbed,  mitigation
                                                      measures shall be undertaken.

                                                  9.  New  additions,  exterior  alterations,  or  related  new
                                                      construction  shall  not  destroy  historic  materials,  features,
                                                      and spatial relationships that characterize the property. The
                                                      new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be
                                                      compatible  with  the  historic  materials,  features,  size,  scale
                                                      and proportion, and massing to protect the integrity of the
                                                      property and its environment.

                                                  10.  New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall
                                                      be undertaken in such a manner that, if removed in the future,
                                                      the essential form and integrity of the historic property and
                                                      its environment would be unimpaired.

                                                   Design for alterations and additions to existing properties should
                                                   not be discouraged when such alterations and additions do not
                                                   destroy significant historical, architectural or cultural material.
                                                   Such  design  should  be  compatible  with  the  size,  scale,  color,
                                                   material  and  character  of  the  property,  neighborhood  and

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