Page 20 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 20
Fully engage with, listen to, and implement the input of the residents of Des Moines
in preservation planning and decision-making. Equip and empower them to save
the tangible places and intangible heritage they value most.
N2. Recommit to the survey and research of M3. Explore the use of new and expanded
potential resources throughout Des Moines tools to protect resources of community
with the goal of creating a community- interest.
led process that highlights stories of
underrepresented community groups and M4. Identify and expand the funding
less-traditional historic resources. opportunities for historic preservation
programs and designations, as well as
N4. Enhance the existing Historic Preservation intangible resources.
Commission to better reflect and learn
from the community. M5. Highlight the role of historic preservation in
promoting missing middle housing in the
N6. Update existing components of the City’s city's established neighborhoods.
website and consider creating new
components to more accurately reflect M6. Enhance connections with community
historic preservation-related information. partners and organizations to support the
historic preservation program.
N7. Develop an educational strategy and
public information campaign accessible M7. Develop and utilize a robust social media
to all that informs the community about the campaign to highlight the work of the
historic preservation program. historic preservation program.
M1. Partner with community stakeholders to L1. Develop and host a range of outreach
create a web-based tool for community programs to increase community
members to provide historical or cultural awareness of the historic preservation
information about places, events, and program, provide technical assistance,
other community features that are and enhance partnerships.
important to their experience of and L2. Explore partnerships with area educational
relationship with the city.
institutions to identify opportunities to
M2. Maintain a set of Certificate of support and advance the City's historic
Appropriateness informational tools to preservation program.
ensure consistent application review
and inform potential applicants of the
expectations for approval.
Key: N = Near-Term Actions (0-5 years); M = Mid-Term Actions (5-10 years); L = Long-Term Actions (10+ years)
14 DES MOINES Citywide Historic Preservation Plan