Page 21 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 21



              Integrate historic preservation approaches and values, especially those that
              advance equity and inclusion, into corresponding community revitalization
              initiatives to drive better outcomes.

              N3.  Improve the functionality of the City's      M2.  Maintain a set of Certificate of
                   preservation tools and processes.                  Appropriateness informational tools to
                                                                      ensure consistent application review
              N4.  Enhance the existing Historic Preservation         and inform potential applicants of the
                   Commission to better reflect and learn             expectations for approval.
                   from the community.
                                                                M3.  Explore the use of new and expanded
              N5.  Enhance the training process for Historic          tools to protect resources of community
                   Preservation Commission members.                   interest.
              N7.  Develop an educational strategy and          M4.  Identify and expand the funding
                   public information campaign accessible             opportunities for historic preservation
                   to all that informs the community about the        programs and designations, as well as
                   historic preservation program.                     intangible resources.

              N8.  Increase collaboration with other City       M7.  Develop and utilize a robust social media
                   departments and programs to ensure work            campaign to highlight the work of the
                   supports the historic preservation program.        historic preservation program.
              M1.  Partner with community stakeholders to
                   create a web-based tool for community
                   members to provide historical or cultural
                   information about places, events, and
                   other community features that are
                   important to their experience of and
                   relationship with the city.

              Key: N = Near-Term Actions (0-5 years); M = Mid-Term Actions (5-10 years); L = Long-Term Actions (10+ years)

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