Page 22 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
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HOW THE PLAN IS USED Chapter 3: The Status of Preservation
Through a series of recommended actions, in Des Moines
ReflectDSM alters and amends several This chapter presents a brief history
current programs, policies, and practices. of Des Moines' historic preservation
Specifically, its calls for reducing and/ program before diving into the details
or mitigating barriers – financial and of the program as it exists today. The
otherwise – to public access to preservation information is divided into a series of topics
programs. It commits time and resources – Program Administration; Information
to public information that can make more and Accessibility; Tools, Incentives, and
understandable the role and purposes Supporting Programs; and Education,
of historic preservation and to letting all Awareness, and Partners. Each section
citizens know how they might benefit. includes a description of the elements that
It proposes directly engaging citizens are currently in operation, links to relevant
in survey work to identify and protect program details, and identifies areas for
resources, tangible and intangible, that improvement.
represent the complete history of Des
Moines, and involving them in decision- Chapter 4: The Future of Preservation
making. Ultimately, it intends to be more in Des Moines
strategic in putting City, State, and Federal Chapter 4 presents the key
programs to work saving and rehabilitating recommendations to guide the historic
historic resources in communities that have preservation program over the next 10-20
not traditionally benefited from historic years. Following the Vision, Mission, and
preservation interventions and incentives. three Goals, the actions are presented by
These aspirations can be seen in all three of priority timing, organized into near-term,
the Plan’s goals and in the action items to mid-term, and long-term. Each action
achieve them. includes one or more subactions, notes on
which goal(s) the action works towards,
PLAN STRUCTURE the lead agency and partner agencies
crucial to implementing the action, and any
The Plan chapters that follow offer the related actions.
Chapter 5: Appendices
Chapter 2: Putting Preservation to The Appendices include documents used
Work in Des Moines throughout the Plan process, reference
Chapter 2 describes the range of benefits materials, and an Excel version of the
historic preservation programs bring to recommended actions for staff to use
a community, as well as the partners during implementation.
involved in the implementation of a historic
preservation plan.
16 DES MOINES Citywide Historic Preservation Plan