Page 118 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 118
Existing County | Land Use
Additionally, light and heavy industrial land uses in many communities often exhibit an Auto Urban character,
unless subject to more strict development standards in higher-profile locations, or where located within a higher-
quality Suburban Business Park setting as described above.
Sample of Urban character along US 52 and I-95
Urban (Residential areas)
Urban residential character prevails in municipalities within Florence County where lots with relatively shallow
front yards bring single-family detached homes, plus other housing types (e.g., townhomes, apartments, live/work
units, etc.), closer to the street. This is especially evident where no front driveways or garages are visible due to
property access from rear alleys, which often occurs where lots are relatively narrow as well. These factors also
allow an Urban Neighborhood still to have some amount of front yard trees and greenery. A grid street pattern
and proximity to a core downtown area and other walkable destinations can also reinforce the overall
neighborhood character relative to residential living in auto-oriented and Suburban character environments.
However, a transition toward commercial can occur on blocks where front driveways are introduced over time,
especially on lots where new homes are built after removal of older dwellings.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 117