Page 123 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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Existing County | Priority Investment
Transportation Funding
For all transportation funding information and priorities, please refer to the FLATS website on the Florence County
Planning page. The details within that plan are intricate and too numerous to be contained within this plan.
Pee Dee Council of Governments
Similar to FLATS, the Pee Dee Council of Governments (PDCOG) receives Guideshare funds from the federal
transportation authorization, through SCDOT; but, its funds are directed to rural areas outside of the FLATS. The
annual Guideshare covers roadway improvements in Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion and
Marlboro counties. Like the FLATS, the PDCOG prioritizes roadway improvements through a fiscally constrained
long range transportation plan (LRTP).
South Carolina Opportunity Zones
Opportunity Zones are a new community development program established by Congress as a part of the Tax Cuts
and Jobs Act of 2017. They are designed to encourage long-term private investments in low-income communities.
This program provides a federal tax incentive for taxpayers who reinvest unrealized capital gains into "Opportunity
Funds," which are specialized vehicles dedicated to investing in low-income areas called "Opportunity
Zones." There are four in Florence County:
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 122