Page 124 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 124
Existing County | Priority Investment
The first is in the City of Florence. This opportunity zone corresponds with Census Tract 45041000700. The
second is near Timmonsville (Census Tract 45041002500). The remaining two are in the southern portion of
Florence County near Scranton and Lake City. They are adjacent to one another (Census
Tracts 45041002201 and 45041002000). Investing in these areas provides preferential tax treatment. To date,
there is only one project being developed in an opportunity zone in Florence County and it is the Republic 124
Project in the City of Florence.
Other Priority Investment Areas
As identified in the Economic Development Element, Florence County has invested heavily in shovel ready
industrial sites across the area. These sites and future goals in the economic development arena are discussed in
the Future County Report.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 123