Page 125 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 125
Existing County | Priority Investment
The Florence County Future County Plan is part of the Comprehensive Plan and is intended to guide future
development, redevelopment, and community enhancement efforts over the next 10 years. It serves as a
framework for thoughtful community discussion on the real and perceived challenges currently facing Florence
County and its partner municipalities, and the opportunities that will shape its future. Through long-range
planning efforts, County leaders can accommodate its projected growth and revitalization in a manner that
preserves its history, culture, and overall quality of life for current and future residents.
This effort stems from a thorough planning process. The plan’s findings and recommendations focus on the
physical and economic aspects of the County's projected growth and development in the coming years. It provides
guiding principles, goals, policies and action priorities that will help Florence County officials, appointees, and Staff
in determining the location, financing, and sequencing of public improvements; administering development
regulations; and guiding reinvestment efforts. The Plan also provides a basis for coordinating the actions of many
different functions and interests within and outside of County government. Growth depends on many people to
make these goals a reality. The County cannot do it alone. The private sector also plays an integral role in the
future of Florence County.
A comprehensive plan is one of the most important policy documents a County government prepares and
maintains. This is because the plan:
• Lays out a long-range vision regarding the future growth and enhancement of the community.
• Considers at once the entire geographic area of the County, including areas where new development and
redevelopment may occur, along with its regional context.
• Assesses near- and longer-term needs and desires across a variety of inter-related topics that represent the
key “building blocks” of the County (e.g., land use, transportation, urban design, economic development,
redevelopment, housing, neighborhoods, parks and recreation, utility infrastructure, public facilities and
services, cultural facilities, etc.).
• Serves as a guideline for measuring success, and is amended from time to time to remain a “living document”
that is able to address changing circumstances.
Through a comprehensive plan, a County can determine how best to accommodate and manage its projected
growth, and the revitalization of older neighborhoods and commercial and industrial areas. Connecting Our Past,
Defining Our Future is not just a title. It is a mission statement. It means this effort is attempting to ensure that
ongoing development and redevelopment will proceed in an orderly, well-planned manner so that public facilities
and services can keep pace, and so that residents’ quality of life will be enhanced.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 124