Page 128 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 128
Existing County | Priority Investment
• Land use changes, including amendments to this plan's Future Land Use Map or to the Zoning Map, are
nuanced and must consider many factors when making decisions. There are numerous factors to consider
before making a change, especially to zoning, including:
o Compliance with the Future Land Use Map
o Changes that have occurred over time in the immediate and surrounding area
o Benefit to all areas of the community where the rezoning is occurring
o Public infrastructure implications and requirements, including transportation and utilities
o Educational impacts to local schools
o Impact on natural resources
o Ability for the community to absorb the impacts of the project without a major impact to the quality of
life the current residents and businesses enjoy and expect
• A strong understanding that although a request is made, many factors go into the decision to approve or
deny other than the requestors plea and desire to change.
• Targeted programs and expenditures prioritized through the County's annual budget process, including
routine but essential functions such as code compliance. For example, will the rezoning or change impact
the ability for current department operations to continue successfully.
• Major public improvements and land acquisitions financed through the County's budgeting efforts.
• New and amended County ordinances and regulations closely linked to this plan's objectives that may be
taking place concurrently.
• Departmental work plans and resources in key areas.
• Support for ongoing planning and studies that will further clarify needs, costs, benefits and strategies.
• Pursuit of external grant funding to supplement local budgets and/or expedite certain projects.
• Initiatives pursued in conjunction with other public and private partners to leverage resources and achieve
successes neither could accomplish on their own.
Despite these many avenues for action, the plan should not be considered a “cure all” for every tough problem
that Florence County may face. This plan focuses primarily on the responsibilities of County government in the
physical planning arena, where Counties normally have a more direct and extensive role than in other areas that
residents value, such as education and social services. Of necessity, comprehensive plans, as vision and policy
documents, also must remain relatively general.
The resulting plan may not touch on every challenge before the County, but it is meant to set a tone and motivate
concerted efforts to move the community forward in coming years.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 127