Page 132 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 132

Future County | Land Use and Growth

              within each Future Land Use category that give decision makers the ability to make nuanced decisions for each
              and every property within Florence County.

            C. Continue to support a character based approach to zoning.
            D. Promote land use outcomes that further community objectives.
            E. Ensure development design respects the area’s environmental assets and resource base, including rivers and
            F. Manage land use patterns near Florence County's parks, trails, and open spaces to: protect their ecological
              functions; prevent physical and other impactful encroachments; maintain public access; and preserve their
              overall quality and value – especially where public green spaces contribute to County character and enhance
              commercial settings.
            G. Plan for destination development in the vicinity of the County's partner municipalities as well as near the
              growing commercial corridors in Florence County that build toward a cohesive business economy over time
              rather than a fragmented pattern of stand-alone developments.
            Along with the broader-brush statements of policy above, the specific policies below are intended as a supplement
            to the  Future  Land  Use map,  which  provides only a  visual  depiction of  desired  land  use  patterns  and  sound
            development  practices.  County  officials  and  staff  should  use  these  statements  as  a  guide  and  reference,
            particularly  when  making  decisions  regarding  proposed  development  activity  and/or  changes  in  zoning
            classifications.  Details about land use decision making were also previously stated in the Introduction of this
            Future County Report.
            Numbering Explanation

            Each of the categories below have a list of policy statements that Planning Staff and Elected Officials can rely on
            when making decisions.  They are enumerated with the category letter and then a number to correspond with the
            statement.  The letters are used to distinguish between categories.


            G1:  Land uses should not detract from the enjoyment or value of neighboring properties.
            G2: Potential negative land use effects (noise, odor, dust, excessive light, traffic, etc.) should be considered in
            development review/approval and mitigated.

            G3: Adequate transportation access and circulation should be provided for uses that generate large numbers of
            trips. Pedestrian and bicycle access should be addressed where appropriate.

            G4: Well-planned mixed-use projects are encouraged where compatible with nearby development.
            G5: Floodplain areas should not be encroached upon by development unless there is compliance with stringent
            floodplain management practices. These areas should be used for parks, recreation or related purposes, or for
            agricultural uses.

            G6: Environmentally sensitive areas should be protected, including wildlife habitat areas.
            G7:  Community  attractions  that  draw  many  external  visitors  should  be  in  locations  with  good  regional
            transportation access and visibility.


            Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan                                                       pg. 131
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