Page 136 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 136
Future County | Land Use and Growth
Map Categories
What is Character?
Character is the feeling an area has that comes from The Future Land Use and Character map shows
aesthetic enhancements such as architectural design, areas within Florence County designated
landscaping and screening, signage standards, and site in categories that address both use and character:
amenities. These all contribute to development Variable Development District 1
appearance. However, many of these factors can and
should vary with the area character, which as defined Variable Development District 2
here involves the interplay between buildings, paved Suburban
surfaces and unbuilt areas. For example, in a Urban
downtown core like Johnsonville's relative to
suburban areas, landscaping shifts more to the public Downtown
realm given minimal building setbacks and yard The following descriptions indicate the anticipated
principal zones in each category, plus the intended
Character based land use planning provides flexibility character of the areas in which the land uses occur,
and helps to achieve the policies and objectives in this abut or mix. Public and institutional uses, including
public parks, commonly occur in all of these areas
and should match the character. These match the
Zoning Districts in the Zoning Ordinance.
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 135