Page 129 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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Future County | Introduction
Our Future County
While the Existing County Report provides background and insights about Florence County as it is today in
ten elements as required by State Law, this Future County portion of the plan focuses on Florence County as it
intends to be in the years ahead. These aspirations are presented in topic areas that are central to physical
growth and development. Through the process of preparing this plan, the set of five overarching guiding
principles below was developed. A guiding principle expresses a basic value or operating policy that will apply
regardless of the course of action ultimately chosen.
Guiding Principles
1. Florence County will emphasize QUALITY, ensuring growth is managed in a way that adds value to the
County, while also strengthening existing residential development and commercial/industrial
2. Florence County will be ADAPTABLE, focusing on developing and sustaining a diverse economy that
attracts and retains individuals and families to put down roots in the community, while providing a
robust range of housing to accommodate people in all stages of life.
3. Florence County will be AUTHENTIC, continuing to focus on those elements that differentiate it such as
its natural assets including rivers and parks, and its friendly and welcoming nature as a benefit for both
current and future residents to enjoy.
4. Florence County will be ACTIVE, enabling healthy living through offering quality and safe County parks
and recreational opportunities, by prioritizing the ability to walk and bicycle safely, and by committing
to maintain high levels of public safety services.
5. Florence County will be COLLABORATIVE, pursuing and maintaining partnerships in all arenas, including
housing, transportation, infrastructure, economic development, emergency response, and arts and
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 128