Page 122 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 122

Existing County | Priority Investment


            As  an  update  to  the  South  Carolina  Planning  Enabling  Act,  the  2007  South  Carolina  Priority  Investment
            Act specifically  set  priorities  for  housing,  transportation,  capital  improvement  planning,  intergovernmental
            coordination,  and  encouragement  towards  traditional  neighborhood  design.   These  themes  are  referenced
            throughout other elements of this plan and fully accomplished within the Land Use and Growth section of the
            Future County Report.  It encourages local governments to reevaluate comprehensive plans to limit the growth of
            sprawl  and  prioritize  projects  and  funding  while  creating  new  opportunities  for  affordable  housing.  The
            combination of these uses and study of their potential location constitute land use and transportation planning
            policy. Land use planning is an important component to achieve the ideal economic, social, environmental, and
            public health outcomes for a community. Effective future land development can occur in a productive, efficient,
            and sustainable manner with proper land use planning. Assessing the pros and cons about future decisions made
            in regards to land use is imperative. The Priority Investment Act recommends that the local jurisdictions focus on
            the impact of regional land use patterns, for example, the regional transportation system should be able to meet
            future demands of the future land use. The Act supports incorporating scenario planning in the regional travel
            demand model to measure the impact of land use decisions on the transportation system.
            In  July  2022,  FLATS (Florence  County  Transportation  Study) adopted  a  new  2045  Long  Range  Transportation
            Plan.  This plan accomplishes many goals of the Priority Investment Act.  New priorities were studied and goals set
            for the future development of Florence County.
            The Future Land Use Map contained within this Plan also accomplishes many of the goals within the Act.  However,
            also important to discuss are the following components:


            Bonding Capacity and Local Option Sales Tax

            Bonds, grants and donations make up the majority of capital projects funding.  Florence County has consistently
            utilized general obligation bonds (GOBs) for large projects.  The County has the capability to utilize its full bonding
            potential  and  insure  bonds  only  when  needed  for  long  term  investment  and  capital  improvement  projects.
            Additionally, the County works with other entities that share its public protection mission for them to issue tax
            exempt bonds.
            The  County  has  also  approved  a  One-Cent  Capital  Project  Sales  Tax  three  times  in  the  past  to  facilitate
            improvements in Florence County.  The County maintains a Penny Tour website contained within with Florence
            County pages to see the improvements made across the County.  This public funding choices made within the
            One-Cent  Capital  program  allows  Florence  County  to  collaborate  with  other  governmental  entities  including
            utilities,  other  counties,  municipalities,  public  service  districts,  school  districts,  public  and  private  utilities,
            transportation agencies, and other public entities to create a plan for growth and continued improvement of the
            Pee Dee.  While the most recent Capital Sales tax was approved by County Council on March 18, 2021, a list of all
            improvements  throughout  the  programs  history  as  well  as  links  to  current  projects  can  be  found

            Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan                                                       pg. 121
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