Page 5 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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Existing County | Introduction



            This report provides background information about Florence  County as it is today. This information is presented
            in topic areas  relevant  to  a  refreshed  new  Comprehensive  Plan  for  Florence  County's physical  growth
            and development. This report also highlights key planning considerations for the years ahead, which will set the
            stage for the Future County portion of the Comprehensive Plan in terms of community needs and desires for the
            next decade. The content of this Existing Florence County report is based on initial background studies to date
            by  the  Florence  County's  community  planning  consultant,  Kendig  Keast  Collaborative,  as  well  as
            leadership  and community input received to this point.


            A comprehensive plan is a long-range, community-
            driven policy document that lays the groundwork   Building on Past Plans
            for how the  County can take charge of, invest in,   Previous planning guidance for the County prior to this
            and  realize  its  future  over  the  next  10 years  and   Comprehensive Plan:
            beyond.  Florence County's previous update to the
            Comprehensive Plan was completed in 2017. In the      ▪   2017 Comprehensive Plan
            ensuing  years, Florence  County has  continued  to   ▪   2040 FLATS Long Range Plan
            plan, including working diligently on the FLATS 2040  ▪   Other Planning documents and guidance
            Long Range Transportation Plan, placing the County
            in an excellent position to create a new Comprehensive Plan. Keeping a Comprehensive Plan current is not only
            state  law,  but  also  a  planning  best  practice.   It  ensures  the  Plan  reflects  the  newest  emerging  issues  and
            Comprehensive Plans:

             •   Provide public officials with a greater understanding of existing conditions in their community, and the larger
                 trends and forces that are impacting growth and development;
             •   Provide a long-term outlook at the potential implications of land use, infrastructure, and other decisions;
             •   Establish priorities for implementation strategies and actions to achieve preferred outcomes;

             •   Place communities in more favorable positions when pursuing and securing grants and capital partnerships;
             •   Offer an opportunity for constructive and meaningful public input, education, and engagement through a
                 variety  of  forums,  including  one-on-one  meetings,  focus  groups,  town  hall  meetings,  and  community
             •   Provide policy guidance and a legally defensible basis for effective and implementable land development


            Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan                                                         pg. 4
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