Page 6 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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Existing County | Introduction
• Provide a framework to enable local officials to make better-informed decisions based upon a coordinated
plan to guide the orderly growth and development of their community; and
• Provide the umbrella for weaving together any small area plans, through which greater synergies can be
Engaging in a local comprehensive planning process enables Florence County to have a greater measure of control
over its future and the opportunities and challenges that change will bring. Planning will enable the County to
manage future growth, development and redevelopment actively as opposed to reacting to development
proposals on a case-by-case basis without adequate and necessary consideration of County-wide issues.
Approach -
Existing County: Future County
The planning process focuses first on providing a
snapshot of existing conditions, through the lens of Focus Areas
multiple plan elements, culminating in this Existing The focus areas within the Florence County’s
County report. The report includes discussion of the
Florence County's history, location and physical Comprehensive Plan provide direction when setting
program and funding priorities to enhance the quality
characteristics and highlights its demographic of life in the county.
composition and trends. A summary of key The Focus Areas are:
indicators, from the latest available U.S. Census
data (including the 2020 U.S. Census) and other 1. Land Use and Development
2. Housing and Neighborhoods
sources, illustrates historical and current conditions
and context relevant to the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Economic Development
4. Recreation and Amenities
Comprehensive plans are future-oriented and 5. Special Area Planning
contain policies and actions that are intended to These focus areas were considered in developing this
advance a set of preferred conditions. As such, the Existing County report and will orient the Future
Future County component and its implementation County portion of the Comprehensive Plan.
emphasis will be the primary focus of the Florence
County's Comprehensive Plan. The Future County
portion will include recommended initiatives and strategies for guiding the Florence County's development and
redevelopment while preserving community character, enhancing quality of life, and improving economic well-
being. During community research, the following priorities were set that also guide the focus areas:
1. Upkeep of existing commercial and industrial properties while recruiting more
2. Continued support and improvement of public safety and other County Services
3. Retention of college students with good jobs and things to do for younger people
4. Quality and promotion of recreation and natural resources
5. More and affordable housing options while supporting existing neighborhoods
Florence County, SC | Comprehensive Plan pg. 5