Page 121 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 121
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
ACTION Principles Initiate WHO Resources
16 PLANNING / STUDY Competitive Term County Stewardship Coalition
As part of any future large- Unified (10+ ------- Mississippi Outdoor
scale drainage planning Complete years) City of Stewardship Trust
within Grenada County, Grenada Fund (established by
pursue design approaches Legislature and
that demonstrate the Governor through
multi-purpose recreational House Bill 606 in
and open space 2022, within initial
preservation opportunities $10 million)
with certain stormwater Mississippi Recreation
facilities. and Parks Association
North Central Planning
and Development District
SAP MORE TARGETED Thriving Mid Greater Other sports complex
17 PLANNING / STUDY Appealing Term Grenada examples in Mississippi:
Conduct special area Competitive (4-9 Partnership BankPlus Sports
planning for the vicinity of Unified years) ------- Center (near I-55 in
the new north side sports Complete Grenada Southaven, with
complex, to promote Tourism adjacent BankPlus
master-planned and Commission Amphitheater at
coordinated development - Visit Snowden Grove and
outcomes around this Grenada nearby restaurants)
public asset, as well as to ------- Gulfport Sportsplex
explore the concept of a City of (along I-10 with
new Entertainment District Grenada adjacent Gulf Islands
in Grenada County that Waterpark and
could be located and nearby hotels and
designed to appeal to both restaurants)
residents and visitors (e.g., Real estate and
I-55 travelers, sports development community
tournament attendees,
SAP MORE TARGETED Appealing Mid Grenada Grenada Tourism
18 PLANNING / STUDY Competitive Term County Commission / Visit
Investigate the potential Unified (4-9 Grenada
applicability of certain Complete years) Mississippi Department
Mississippi Code provisions of Wildlife, Fisheries, and
to Grenada County: Parks
Potential bond
Grenada County, MS 17