Page 126 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 126

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                                                     Park Classifications

            Neighborhood Parks
             Small parks that serve        Service Area                 Example Features
             neighborhood residents        Primarily serve neighborhood     Centrally located within a residential
             within walking distance, with   residents within 1/4 to 1/2     neighborhood for convenient and safe
             facilities for both active use   mile                           access
             (e.g., playgrounds, sports) and  Desirable Size                Evenly distributed across city
             passive use (e.g., walking,   5-10 acres minimum (varies        (one‑mile separation ideally)
             picnicking, open space).      based on nearby population       Sometimes joint school/city facilities
                                           and density, property             (similar scale)
                                           availability, method and         Active and passive facilities suitable to
                                           timing of acquisition, and        the neighborhood served
                                           intended use)
                                                                            Facilities and activities to promote
                                                                             healthy living
            Community Parks
             Larger parks that still serve   Service Area               Example Features
             nearby residents but also     Primarily serve residents        Located for visibility and convenient
             draw others from elsewhere    within 1‑2 miles, but available   access by residents nearby and from
             in the community for a wider   to all residents                 farther distances (often near an
             range of facilities and       Desirable Size                    arterial street)
             activities.                   10-25 acres minimum              Evenly distributed across city
                                                                             (two‑mile separation ideally)
                                                                            Large-scale athletic fields and court
                                                                             complexes for active recreation and
                                                                             sports leagues (plus swimming pools,
                                                                             walking/jogging paths, exercise
                                                                             stations, open play areas,
                                                                            Lighting for evening use
                                                                            Outdoor spaces and other facilities
                                                                             such as community centers for passive
                                                                             recreation and leisure activities (picnic
                                                                             areas, bird watching, strolling)
                                                                            Nature features
                                                                            Restrooms
                                                                            Adequate on- and off-street parking

            Special Use Parks

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