Page 139 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 139
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Plan Administration
During the development of this Plan, representatives of government, business, community groups and others
came together to inform the planning process. These community leaders – and new ones that will emerge over
the horizon of this Plan – must maintain their commitment to the ongoing implementation and updating of the
Plan’s goals and action strategies.
Role of Local Government Officials
The Grenada County Board of Supervisors – and, in some cases, the City of Grenada City Council – should take
the lead in the following general areas:
Adopting and amending the Plan, when necessary and appropriate. [County]
Acting as a champion of the Plan. [County and City]
Establishing the overall implementation priorities and timeframes by which action strategies in the Plan
should be initiated and completed. [County]
Considering and approving necessary funding commitments. [County and City]
Adopting new or amended land development regulations to implement the Plan. [County and City]
Approving intergovernmental and public/private agreements that implement the Plan. [County and City]
Approving projects and activities and their associated funding during annual budgeting, consistent with
this Plan and its goals and action priorities. [County and City]
Providing policy direction to appointed boards and commissions, and to staff. [County and City]
Role of Local Government Staff
County and/or City staff should take the lead in the following general areas:
Managing day-to-day implementation of the Plan through internal department activities and ongoing
interdepartmental coordination where needed.
Supporting and carrying out capital improvement planning efforts.
Managing the drafting of new or amended land development regulations.
Conducting studies and developing additional special-purpose and/or special area plans.
Reviewing land development applications for consistency with the Plan.
Negotiating the specifics of intergovernmental and other agreements.
Administering collaborative programs and ensuring open channels of communication with various private,
public and non-profit partners.
Maintaining an inventory of potential Plan amendments, as suggested by staff and others, for
consideration during annual and periodic Plan review and update processes.
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