Page 143 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 143

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                                         GRENADA COUNTY 2040 ACTION AGENDA

                                                                 Guiding Principles
                                  ACTION                                               Initiate      WHO

             SAP 3 (Programs and Initiatives): Consider pursuing a     Thriving         Near    Grenada County
             range of measures intended to support the supply side    Appealing         Term         -------
             of the housing market, typically by reducing upfront    Competitive        (0-3     City of Grenada
             development costs while also establishing expectations    Unified         years)
             for dwelling quality, price point and neighborhood       Complete          and
             amenities:                                                               Ongoing
                Land assembly and/or transfer of individual lots
                 for private development.
                City-initiated rezoning of land to suitable
                 residential designations.
                Street and/or utility infrastructure provision
                 and/or cost sharing.
                Property tax abatements.
                Fee waivers.

             SAP 12 (Partnerships and Coordination): Develop a         Thriving         Near        Greater
             workforce housing task force and partner with local      Appealing         Term        Grenada
             employers, banks and others to better understand        Competitive        (0-3      Partnership
             what price points and housing types are desired by        Inclusive       years)
             area employees and forms of financial or other            Unified          and
             assistance that would be most effective for enticing                     Ongoing
             workers to choose Grenada County as their home in
             addition to their place of employment.
             SAP 1 (Capital Investments): Through City and County      Thriving         Near     City of Grenada
             capital improvement planning processes, continue to      Appealing         Term         -------
             identify and plan for funding of highest-priority road   Competitive       (0-3    Grenada County
             projects in new growth areas and in existing developed    Inclusive       years)
             areas with traffic congestion and/or safety concerns.     Unified          and
                                                                      Complete        Ongoing
             SAP 2 (Capital Investments): Ensure that pedestrian      Appealing         Near     City of Grenada
             and bicycle circulation needs are considered in all area   Competitive     Term         -------
             roadway designs, including for new roads, widening or     Inclusive        (0-3    Grenada County
             upgrades to existing roads, street and roadway           Complete         years)
             resurfacing projects, and traffic signal installation.                     and

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