Page 147 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 147
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
Community Survey Input to Potential Action Priorities
During the timeframe of the third and final Leadership Summit in July 2022, when highlights of the emerging
draft Grenada County 2040 Plan were presented to the community, an online survey was also conducted. The
survey gave respondents an opportunity to weigh in on which potential actions should receive the most urgent
attention once the Plan is adopted. The survey also gauged reactions to Grenada County government possibly
taking on some new responsibilities to advance the Plan goals and priorities.
The survey was available for one week before and one week after the Summit, and all 47 eventual responses
were received during or after the event. While the survey response was limited, the input received remained
generally consistent with community sentiments heard throughout the Plan development process that began in
fall 2021, and which influenced much of the Plan content. Characteristics of the respondents included:
89% were Grenada County residents, with five other individuals only working in the county or living nearby
(in Duck Hill, Water Valley, Winona, Montgomery County and Olive Branch).
More than two-thirds (69%) have lived in Grenada County more than 20 years, and four respondents were
new to the area in the last 0-5 years.
Nearly half (45%) were in the 45-64 age range, with three individuals age 65+. Significant for a survey
involving planning for the future, 23% of responses were from persons in the 18-24 age range. Another 12
individuals (25%) were in the 25-44 age range.
Nearly half (45%) also reported having at least one child under age 18 in their household while 55% did
Also significant is that the responses were almost evenly divided between persons living inside the City of
Grenada (45%) and not (50%, with several individuals unsure if they live in the city limits).
Survey respondents considered the following action items in the draft Plan most urgent to address, under each
plan topic area. Significantly, nearly all of these actions are already identified as “near term” items in the Plan:
Growth Capacity:
Continue upgrades to the City of Grenada water system.
Ranked #1 among Growth Capacity actions by 47% of respondents.
This action item is already shown in the Near Term (0-3 years) timeframe in the Plan.
The second-ranked item (24%) involves added grant-writing capacity (also Near Term in Plan).
Housing and Development:
Following the completion of this overall Grenada County 2040 Plan, conduct targeted special area planning
efforts, particularly for key corridors (e.g., Sunset Drive/MS Highway 8, U.S. 51/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard/Commerce Street, etc.) and other areas crucial to Grenada County’s economic development (e.g.,
Grenada Municipal Airport and vicinity).
Ranked #1 among Housing and Development actions by 33% of respondents.
This action item is shown in the Mid Term (4-9 years) timeframe in the Plan and would require other
preparatory steps first.
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