Page 56 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 56
Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan
ACTION Principles Initiate WHO Resources
SAP PARTNERSHIPS AND Thriving Near Greater Business community
12 COORDINATION Appealing Term Grenada Institutional and public sector
Develop a workforce housing Competitive (0-3 Partnership employers
task force and partner with Inclusive years) Mississippi Association of
local employers, banks and Unified and Realtors (Employer Assisted
others to better understand Ongoing Housing Program)
what price points and Mississippi Home Corporation
housing types are desired by Mississippi Regional Housing
area employees and forms of Authority IV
financial or other assistance
that would be most effective North Central Planning and
for enticing workers to Development District
choose Grenada County as
their home in addition to
their place of employment.
SAP MORE TARGETED PLANNING Thriving Near Greater Real estate and development
13 / STUDY Appealing Term Grenada community
Commission a Strategic Competitive (0-3 Partnership Banking/lending community
Housing Market Analysis and Inclusive years) Mississippi and regional
Plan, in part to establish a Unified and housing consultants
baseline of Grenada-specific Complete Ongoing
housing market data and to
identify a data-driven series Updates
of key action steps to expand
and expedite new housing
construction in Grenada
Grenada County, MS 14