Page 61 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 61

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

            Policies for Land Use and Development

            The policies below are intended as a supplement to the broader growth management and land use planning
            direction  provided  by  this  Grenada  County  2040  Plan.  City  and  County  officials  and  staff  should  use  these
            statements  as  a  guide  and  reference,  particularly  when  making  decisions  regarding  proposed  development
            activity and/or changes in zoning classifications.


            G1: Land uses should not detract from the enjoyment or value of neighboring properties.

            G2: Potential negative land use effects (noise, odor, dust, excessive light, traffic, etc.) should be considered in
            development review/approval and mitigated.

            G3: Adequate transportation access and circulation should be provided for uses that generate large numbers of
            trips. Pedestrian and bicycle access should be addressed where appropriate.

            G4: Well-planned mixed-use projects are encouraged where compatible with nearby development.
            G5: Floodplain areas should not be encroached upon by development unless there is compliance with stringent
            floodplain management practices. These areas should be used for parks, recreation or related purposes, or for
            agricultural uses.
            G6: Environmentally sensitive areas should be protected, including wildlife habitat areas.

            G7:  Community  attractions  that  draw  many  external  visitors  should  be  in  locations  with  good  regional
            transportation access and visibility.


            R1: Residential areas should not be located next to heavy industrial areas.
            R2: Residential and commercial areas may be adjacent if separated by a buffer.

            R3: Schools, parks and community facilities should be located close to or within residential neighborhoods.
            R4:  Houses  should  have  direct  access  to  local  residential  streets  but  not  to  collector  streets  or  major
            R5: Houses should not be adjacent to freeways unless with substantial buffering.

            R6: New residential development should be buffered from major thoroughfares and collector streets.
            R7: New residential developments should include adequate area for parks and recreation facilities, schools and
            places of worship, as appropriate and depending on their scale.

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