Page 59 - Grenada County, MS Build Better Together 2040 Plan
P. 59

Grenada County Build Better Together 2040 Plan

                         ACTION                  Principles   Initiate     WHO                    Resources
             SAP  MORE TARGETED PLANNING         Appealing     Near        Greater        Real estate and development
             16    / STUDY                      Competitive    Term       Grenada          community
                   Use GIS mapping to monitor     Inclusive     (0-3     Partnership
                   the area’s supply of           Unified      years)
                   residentially zoned acreage   Complete       and
                   and existing available lots to             Ongoing
                   monitor the degree of
                   market flexibility for
                   developing diverse housing
                   types in various locations
                   across the city and in the
                   county. Also monitor where
                   the City, County and other
                   potential partners own
                   vacant properties to identify
                   land consolidation
                   opportunities for creating
                   larger development sites.
             SAP  MORE TARGETED PLANNING          Thriving      Mid        Greater        North Central Planning and
             17    / STUDY                       Appealing     Term       Grenada          Development District
                   Follow the completion of this   Competitive  (4-9     Partnership
                   overarching Grenada County     Unified      years)
                   2040 Plan with targeted       Complete
                   special area planning efforts,
                   particularly for key corridors
                   (e.g., Sunset Drive/MS
                   Highway 8, U.S. 51/Dr.
                   Martin Luther King Jr.
                   Boulevard/Commerce Street,
                   etc.) and other areas crucial
                   to Grenada County’s
                   economic development (e.g.,
                   Grenada Municipal Airport
                   and vicinity).

             Grenada County, MS                                                                               17
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