Page 123 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 123
Accessory Dwelling Unit Design
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) are to be accommodated. When
detached, it should appear subordinate to a primary structure,
especially when visible from the public realm. An ADU should be
located to respect neighboring buildings, especially when it is
located near a shared rear or side lot line. Illustrations showing
ways to sensitively address shared rear and side lot lines appear in
Figures 5.17 and 5.18.
5.51 Design an ADU to be subordinate to and compatible
with the primary structure, when it will be visible from
the street. Use materials that are visually
subordinate to the materials on
a. Design an ADU to be smaller in overall footprint than the primary structure, or materials
the primary structure. that are visually compatible with
b. Use materials that are visually compatible with those of those of the primary structure.
the primary structure.
Where an ADU is located near a
shared side or rear property line,
locate and design it to respect
the neighboring properties and
consider rear yard privacy.
Use a roof form on the ADU that is visually compatible with the roof form
of the primary structure.
Single Family and Other Small-Scale Residential Development Design Guidelines Chapter 5 115