Page 128 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 128
5.57 If a building addition is visible from the public realm,
design it to be visually compatible with the existing
a. Utilize a roof form that is visually compatible with the
roof form of the primary structure.
b. Arrange windows and doors on the building addition in
a way that complements the pattern of the windows and
doors on the existing structure.
c. Utilize materials that are similar in quality and texture to
If a building addition is visible the existing structure without creating a false sense of
from the public realm, design it the addition being original to the structure.
to be visually compatible with the
existing structure.
5.58 Where a building addition is located near a shared side
or rear property line, design it to be respectful of the
privacy of a neighboring property.
a. Locate a building addition to maximize solar access for
gardens and yards on neighboring properties.
b. Consider the placement of windows and doors on an
addition, as well as the orientation of outdoor spaces
in the addition to maintain a sense of privacy for
Primary Doors
and Windows
Limited Doors
and Windows
Figure 5.19: Consider the placement of windows and doors on an
addition, as well as the orientation of outdoor spaces in the addition to
maintain a sense of privacy for neighbors.
120 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines