Page 155 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 155
Site lighting includes streetlights, light fixtures in parking lots,
pedestrian lighting and lighting to accent landscaping or building
façades. Site lighting should help establish a sense of identity and
sense of continuity for the property. Site lighting should create
a sense of place, and highlight distinctive architectural details.
Lighting should be designed to coordinate with and enhance a
project’s design.
6.35 Scale lighting to reflect its purpose.
a. Use a small-scale fixture with down-lighting or light
bollards to illuminate a pedestrian walkway. Figure 6.16: Use a small-scale
b. Use fixtures that provide even lighting for a plaza, fixture with down-lighting or light
courtyard or patio area. bollards to illuminate a pedestrian
c. Use modest lighting to illuminate building entrances and walkway.
entries into parking areas.
d. Design lighting to minimize light spill onto adjacent
properties and the sky.
6.36 Shield site lighting to minimize off-site glare.
a. Orient a fixture to provide down-lighting.
b. Incorporate cut-off shields to direct light downward.
c. Avoid orienting a fixture to cast light into the night sky.
Figure 6.17: Design street
lighting to minimize light spill onto
adjacent properties and the sky.
Commercial, Industrial, Mixed Use and Large-Scale Multi-Family Development Design Guidelines Chapter 6 147