Page 160 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 160
Façade Design
Visible building façades that incorporate high-quality design
features enhance Healdsburg’s image and character, and convey
an active and vibrant appearance to pedestrians, bicyclists and
vehicles passing through the city. The design guidelines presented
below apply to visible façades that face public streets, sidewalks,
pedestrian areas and parking lots. These design guidelines are
particularly important for new development in Character Area 5:
Downtown Core and 6: Healdsburg Corridor. A façade should be
Design a visible building façade designed into separate components that convey a human scale
to enhance the community and create a consistent rhythm within the façade.
image using high-quality building
6.43 Design a taller building to incorporate a “base, middle,
cap” to divide a façade into separate components.
a. Express a traditional base, middle and cap composition
with well-defined ground or lower floors and a distinctive
“cap” element framing middle building floors, especially
on taller commercial and mixed use buildings.
6.44 Arrange elements on a façade to create a generally
consistent rhythm and sense of continuity.
a. Use consistent window and door sizes on a façade.
Design a building façade to
convey visual interest. 6.45 Where compatibility with context is important, design
a building façade to be compatible with its context.
a. When possible, generally align façade features, such as
canopies, windows and roof cornices on parapets, with
those on adjacent buildings.
b. Consider the rhythm pattern of solid to void that has
been established by neighboring traditional buildings
the placement of windows, doors and other façade
* This is especially important in Character Area 5:
Downtown Core.
152 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines