Page 164 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 164

                                             Windows are a key design element. New development should
                                             incorporate windows of a design and arrangement that expresses
                                             a human scale, create visual interest and in some cases creates
                                             visual continuity with context.

                                             6.51  Locate and space windows to express a consistent.
                                                          * This design guideline is particularly important for new
                                                           development in Character Area 5: Downtown Core.
                                                    a.  Provide consistent horizontal spacing between windows
                                                       on a floor.
                                                    b.  Vertically align windows on upper and lower floors.
                                                    c.  Provide a common head height for windows on a single
                                                       floor. Minor deviations may be appropriate for an accent.
                                                    d.  If a glazed wall is utilized, use spandrels, moldings,
                                                       awnings or sills to provide vertical and horizontal

                                             6.52  Place a window opening to correspond to an actual
                                                    interior space.

                                             6.53  Where compatibility is important, size and proportion
                                                    a window to be in the range of heights and widths of
                                                    nearby traditional windows.
                                                    a.  Size a window to be easily recognizable but not to be
        Design a window to create depth
        and shadow on a façade.                        overly large.
                                                    b.  Use a vertically oriented window on an upper floor.

                                             6.54  Design a window to create depth and shadow on a
                                                    a.  Design a window to appear “punched” into a wall.
                                                    b.  Do not use a window that appears pasted onto a façade.

        Vertically align windows on upper
        and lower floors.

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