Page 215 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 215
Demolition of a Historic Structure NOTE
Historic buildings can sometimes present challenges for The Healdsburg Zoning Code
rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, and even continued habitation. includes a demolition ordinance
All buildings require proper maintenance, and older buildings regarding historic structures. For
are particularly susceptible to deterioration. If not maintained, more information about the process
and findings that must be made to
building elements can become irreparably damaged within be granted a historic demolition
a surprisingly short period of time. Abandoned buildings are permit, follow the link below:
particularly vulnerable to rapid deterioration. The best way to
prevent demolition is to keep buildings properly maintained and CA/Healdsburg/#!/Healdsburg20/
secured. When proper care is not taken, buildings can deteriorate Healdsburg2024.html#20.24.195
to the point that demolition becomes a consideration.
A historic demolition permit is required to be obtained from the
Zoning Administrator or Historic Committee prior to the issuance
of a separate demolition permit by the Building Official for any
designated or potentially-historic resource. A historic demolition
permit application requires a number of materials for submittal,
and considers a number of factors including the structure’s
contribution, the cost of preserving or rehabilitating the structure
and the potential for an adaptive reuse of a structure. A public
hearing regarding the historic demolition permit application
is held and at least one finding must be made in order for an
application for a historic demolition permit application to be
The following design guidelines outline key considerations
regarding the demolition of a historic structure. Generally, the
demolition of a contributing historic structure is prohibited.
However, changing circumstances that affect the integrity of the
historic structure or new information that affects the status of
the historic structure may lead to a change in the status of the
structure, and the subsequent permission to demolish a structure
may be granted.
8.59 Do not demolish any contributing historic structure
or part of a historic structure that contributes to the
integrity of a designated historic district or to the
integrity of the historic structure.
8.60 Consider the current significance (contributing or non-
contributing) of the structure previously determined to
be historic.
8.61 Consider the condition of the structure in question.
Demolition may be more appropriate when a building
is deteriorated or in poor condition.
Treatment of Historic Resources Chapter 8 207