Page 222 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 222

Street Lights
                                             The location and style of street lights installed along a road or
                                             in a public plaza contribute to the character of an area. When
                                             considering the installation and design of new street lights, safety
                                             is also a key concern. The following design guidelines and City
                                             standards should be considered when installing new street lights
                                             in any development. For applicable street light typology within
                                             a specific Character Area, please contact the City of Healdsburg
                                             Electric Department.

                                             9.8  Locate a street light so that it does not impede views
                                                    for pedestrians, cyclists or vehicles.

                                             9.9  Locate a street light so that it does not impede key
                                                    circulation paths for pedestrians, cyclists or vehicles.

                                             9.10  Design a street light to coordinate with and contribute
                                                    to existing or planned streetscape elements.
                                                    a.  Consider the paving materials, landscaping, street trees,
        Design a street light to coordinate
        with and contribute to existing or             mid-block crossings and other elements that contribute
        planned streetscape elements.                  to the overall streetscape.

                                             9.11  Design a street light to emit only the necessary
                                                    amounts of light, at the necessary times.
                                                    a.  Consider necessary light for pedestrians, cyclists and
                                                    b.  Minimize excessive glare and light pollution.

                                             9.12  Shield site lighting to minimize off-site glare onto
                                                    adjacent properties and toward the sky.
                                                    a.  Orient a fixture downward.
                                                    b.  Incorporate a cut-off shield to direct light downward.

                                             9.13  Install street lights that are energy efficient and that
                                                    emit warmer colors.

        Locate a street light so that it does
        not impede key circulation paths
        for pedestrians, cyclists or vehicles.

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