Page 60 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 60
Character Area 5: Downtown Core
Character Area 5, Healdsburg’s Downtown Core, is defined by Mill
Street to the south, Vine Street to the west, Piper Street to the
North and East Street to the east.
As the historic center and current central business district, this
Character Area is home to restaurants, stores, hotels, galleries,
tasting rooms and many other functions. Buildings are typically
built to the back of the sidewalk, with 0’ side setbacks, creating
a strong street wall; however, some buildings in this Character
Area have small front or side setbacks that create open, outdoor
amenity spaces. These occasional nooks and crannies add to
the unique character of downtown Healdsburg. Buildings also
create a high-level of pedestrian interest at the ground-floor
level. Storefronts incorporate high levels of transparency along
the sidewalk, and architectural detail and/or plantings are
incorporated where windows or display cases are not utilized. A
variety of architectural styles and materials are utilized.
• Maintain current character
• Place a building very close to or
at the back of the sidewalk, with
0’ or minimal side setbacks
• Where a small setback is
provided, it should be designed
as an active amenity space
• Orient buildings to face the
• Encourage building heights of Existing buildings in Character Area 5 express an established materials
two and three stories palette, which includes a lot of stucco, as shown above. New buildings
• Reflect traditional building should utilize materials that are compatible with existing buildings.
widths in the design of a larger
• Utilize flat roof forms or forms
that are compatible with flat
• Maximize transparency,
especially along the ground floor
• Utilize materials that are
compatible with existing
buildings, such as stucco
52 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines