Page 64 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 64
Character Area 6: Healdsburg
Character Area 6 sits just north of the Downtown Core, with a
southern border of Piper Street and being defined on the west by
the railroad/Larkspur Street, on the north by Powell Street and on
the east by the parcels just to the east of Healdsburg Avenue. A
smaller section of Character Area 6 sits along Healdsburg Avenue
in the southeastern portion of town, bounded by the CHAP area,
the Ward Street neighborhood to the north and industrial areas to
the east across the Russian River. The portion of Character Area 6
just west of the Healdsburg Avenue Bridge functions as a southern
gateway into town.
Development in Character Area 6 contains a mix of small office
buildings, larger retail stores, hotels and some low-scale multi-
family development. Most buildings are set back slightly from
the street which creates a defined streetscape, especially along
Healdsburg Avenue. Small amounts of space appear between
buildings. A typical building is oriented towards Healdsburg
Avenue with a clear connection from the primary entrance to
the street. Most buildings are one or two stories in height, but
KEY DESIGN their forms and styles vary greatly. In many cases, single-family
OBJECTIVES FOR buildings have been repurposed for office use, maintaining a
FUTURE DEVELOPMENT degree of residential character to the area. Surface parking in
the Healdsburg Corridor is often located to the side and front of
• When new development occurs,
transform current character to structures rather than to the rear.
extend Downtown “feel” to the
North This mix of building types contributes to a more informal “village”
• Minimize front and side setbacks character than in the downtown core. An objective is to extend
to continue the feel of Downtown the more formal building types of the core, but to blend them
northward and bring the
Downtown “feel” to the southern with existing structures in ways that maintain this diversity
entrance of design. This should make the area more appealing and
• Orient buildings and entries comfortable for pedestrians. Because building setbacks vary, there
toward Healdsburg Avenue, is an opportunity to add some structures behind existing ones,
but also toward internal parking creating clusters that may focus on outdoor places.
areas, courtyards and other
internal features
• Minimize vehicular access points With some relatively large opportunity sites located in Character
from Healdsburg Avenue Area 6, new development is likely to have a transformative
• Articulate a building into impact. As redevelopment occurs, new sites and buildings
smaller, human scaled modules, should be designed to extend the Downtown feel northward
particularly when the building is
taller and longer along Healdsburg Avenue in accordance with the guidance in
• Design sites and buildings on this section, particularly related to the location of parking, the
the west side of the Healdsburg placement of buildings and the establishment of a street wall
Avenue Bridge to create a sense that is strategically broken up with pathways to interior site
of arrival
components, landscape areas and other similar features.
56 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines