Page 63 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 63
Key Building Design Elements in
Character Area 5: Downtown Core
Façade Composition
Design a building front to have a similar solid-to-void ratio as
traditional commercial buildings on the block. Transparency
should be highest at the ground level to create a connection
between the public realm and the interior of the building. Refer to
design guidelines 6.43 – 6.45.
Roof Form
Utilize a flat roof form to maintain the commercial character
present Downtown. Architecturally creative roof forms may also be Design a building to have a similar
solid-to-void ratio as traditional
considered provided they are compatible with the flat roof forms commercial buildings on the block.
typically seen in Downtown. Refer to design guidelines 6.55 –
Use a primary material that is compatible with the authentic
stucco and brick typically found in Downtown. If a substitute
material is desired, choose one that is similar in finish, texture,
depth of detail and durability to authentic stucco or brick. Wood,
architectural metals and other various materials are often used for
detailing and accents on Downtown buildings. This is appropriate Reflect traditional building widths.
and should be encouraged. Refer to design guidelines 6.58-6.60
and Figure 6.22.
Design a building to respond to the typical scale of traditional
development in Downtown, which is usually between one and
three stories. Consider stepping back or using other articulation
methods to modulate a floor above two stories. Refer to design
guidelines 6.41 and 6.42 and Figures 6.19 and 6.20.
Reflecting Traditional Building Widths Design a building to respond to
Traditional building widths in the Downtown Core range from as the typical scale of traditional
little as 25 feet up to about 100 feet. This traditional rhythm of development in Downtown.
building widths is a key character-defining feature in Downtown.
A new building that would be wider than this tradition should be
designed in a series of modules that reflect traditional building
widths. Refer to design guidelines 6.41, 6.42, 6.61 and 6.62 and
Figures 6.23 and 6.24.
Healdsburg Character Areas Chapter 4 55