Page 96 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 96
Site Design
Site design refers to the arrangement, placement and orientation
of buildings and site features on a parcel. It also includes the
relationship between buildings and site features on one parcel
to neighboring properties and the public realm. Site design
considers parking, vehicular access, site lighting and service
and utility areas. Additional considerations including stormwater
management and Low Impact Development principles are
included in Chapter 7.
Locate a building within the range
of established setbacks on a block. Building Setback and Placement
The uniform alignment of buildings along traditional residential
blocks provides a sense of enclosure and a comfortable
pedestrian scale. When houses have similar setbacks, a visual
continuity occurs. A new house should be placed to reflect the
established setbacks along a block.
5.1 Locate a building within the range of established
setbacks on a block.
a. Where front yard setbacks are uniform, align a building
with neighboring buildings.
* This is particularly important in Character Areas 2: Mid-
Locate buildings to preserve Century Residential and 3: Suburban Residential, where
significant visual and the alignment of buildings relative to the street is highly
environmental assets. consistent.
b. Locate a building to maintain the side yard spacing
pattern on the block.
RIDGELINES 5.2 Where multiple structures are located on one lot, place
Note that additional development them to maximize access to common open spaces.
regulations exist for scenic
ridgelines as identified in the 5.3 In Character Area 4: Hillside Residential, locate
Healdsburg General Plan, Figure 8. a building to preserve significant visual and
Development that impacts a scenic
ridgeline is subject to design review. environmental assets, where feasible. This includes
views to ridgelines, canyons and stands of natural
Figure 5.1: Locate a building within the range of established front and side setbacks on a block.
88 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines