Page 135 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 135
2.29 Average household size in 2017.
Littleton had 2.47 persons per household on average in owner-occupied homes compared to
2.02 in rental housing in 2017. The average household size, overall, was also 2.29 in 2000.
The average household size in Littleton is lower than in the Denver Metro Area which had an
average household size of 2.57 in 2017. Variations in this indicator are crucial for anticipating future housing needs
in Littleton. Such variations must also be evaluated carefully as an upward trend could indicate more families
choosing – and able – to live in Littleton.
19.4% Percent of population identifying as a race/ethnicity other than
“white alone” in 2017.
The share of Littleton’s population identifying as “white alone” dropped from 86.8 percent
in 2000 to 80.6 percent in 2017. Variations should continue to be tracked over time
as this indicator is tied to the desire expressed in Envision Littleton for an inclusive community.
2017 Race and Ethnicity Demographics
Black alone,
2.3% Asian
alone, 2.0%
Two or more
races, 2.2%
White alone,
80.6% Hispanic (any
race), 12.4%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Being an inclusive community is among the core values identified in the 2018 Envision Report, with housing options and
affordability cited as a fundamental aspect. The Future City phase will consider policies and strategies for ensuring that
Littleton continues to offer residential options for people at various life stages and income levels. This section also
provides the newest available U.S. Census Bureau estimates for Littleton relative to the data presented in the 2017
BBC Housing Study, which included data through 2015.
20,691 Total housing units in 2017.
This was an increase of 1,257 housing units since 2010 when Littleton had 19,434
housing units and an increase of 2,607 housing units from the 18,084 units Littleton
had in 2000. As a result, total housing units have increased by 14.4 percent since
2000 relative to 18.3 percent growth in population over the same period.