Page 137 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 137
$338,900 Median home value of owner-occupied housing units in 2017.
Nearly two-thirds (65.3 percent) of such homes were valued in a range
from $200,000 to $499,999 and only 14.6 valued at under $200,000.
Median home value in 2010 was $269,500 and $192,200 in 1999.
The median home value has increased by 25.7 percent in the period from 2010 to 2017 and 76.3 percent in the period
from 1999 to 2017. The combination of trends in home values and buyer income (below) will determine the general
affordability of housing in Littleton, as the BBC Housing Study calculated in greater detail (also below).
$71,315 Median household income in 2017.
Littleton’s median household income of $71,315 was almost identical to
the median household income of the Denver Metro Area ($71,884 in 2017).
While the local median has increased by 41 percent (from $50,583)
since 2000, part of the affordability challenge is that the median home value has increased by nearly twice
as much – 76.3 percent – since 1999.
15% Percent of homes sold in Littleton in 2016 that the average Denver Metro worker
earning $60,215 annually could have afforded, 96 percent of which were attached.
The 2017 BBC Housing Study also found that the average worker could have afforded
80 percent of rental units available in Littleton.
7.5% Percent of Littleton’s residents below the federally-defined poverty level in
This included 7.3 percent of those age 65 years and older and 5.8 percent of families with
children under 18 years that were related to the householder. Among all Littleton households,
6.4 percent (1,272 households) had received Food Stamp/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits in the last
12 months. Of the noninstitutionalized civilian population, 7.8 percent (3,551 persons) had no health insurance coverage
in 2017. In the 2018 Envision Report, “caring for those in need” was another part of being an inclusive