Page 136 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 136
60.6% Percent of owner-occupied housing units in 2017.
The remaining 39.4 percent of Littleton’s estimated 20,691 total housing units in 2017
were occupied by
renters. Among the Housing Types, 2017
owner-occupied units, 29.4 percent of the homeowners
did not have a mortgage. 2%
The housing stock in Littleton is fairly diverse, with just
over half composed of single-family detached units in 35%
2017. Aside from the 2.3 percent in mobile homes, the 52%
remaining 46 percent was in various forms of attached
housing (20 percent in structures with 2-9 units, and
26 percent in structures with 10 or more units). 11%
Despite this array of alternatives to single-family
detached homes, the 2017 BBC Housing Study Single-family detached Single-family attached
identified needs that remain, including “starter- Multi-unit structure Mobile home
level” single-family homes, housing for residents
with disabilities, affordable rental units (especially Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
near transit), and housing options attractive to aging
seniors and others at all income levels.
71.7% Percent of Littleton’s housing stock that is at least 30 years old.
As Littleton is approaching buildout of its remaining incorporated territory, the majority
of its housing stock was built during the high-growth decades in which much of the land
was originally developed. As these homes continue to age, Littleton may experience
increasing amounts of tear-downs and re-builds, additional new units through higher-density construction,
or concerted efforts to preserve and maintain older housing stock through renovations and/or add-ons.
Age of Housing Stock
20% 19.1% 18.9%
14.8% 15.5%
15% 13.9%
5% 2.7%
Pre-1950 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010-2017
Year Housing Unit Constructed
Source: U.S. Census Bureau.