Page 150 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 150
75% Percent of water users in Littleton that are efficient with their water use.
All water accounts in Littleton are supplied by Denver Water through a total service relationship,
which is unusual for suburban cities in the region, most of which get water from multiple water
districts. Denver Water defines efficient water use as less than 12 gallons per square feet of
irrigated space per year. Long-term water prospects for both Littleton and the entire Denver Metro Area are
expected to be highlighted within the Comprehensive Plan.
Source: Denver Water.
298,513 Total square feet of buildings owned and maintained by the
City of Littleton.
The buildings range in age from 142 years old to six years old and range in
square footage from 72,000 square feet to 49 square feet. The City’s buildings include the Bemis Public Library, the
Belleview Service Center, City Center, the Museum, and the Municipal Courthouse, among others. Community facility
needs is a traditional component of local comprehensive plans, especially to the extent that critical maintenance
issues or renovation/replacement needs may create greater competition for limited public resources.
Source: City of Littleton.
$8-10 Million Projected cost to renovate and maintain
Littleton Center (versus $300,000 past annual
capital spending).
Currently the City lacks asset management assessments to determine asset condition, life expectancy, and replacement
schedule to factor into the City’s capital planning and budgeting. The Public Works Department is currently completing
asset reviews and developing plans for the City’s fleet, facilities, infrastructure (e.g., transportation, sanitary sewer,
storm water, etc.), information technology, and public safety assets. This is perfect timing for highlighting
“big picture” issues and needs within the Comprehensive Plan and prioritizing ongoing asset management
among other essential municipal activities.
Source: City of Littleton.