Page 155 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 155
A relatively recent local development, Littleton Village, includes a mix of housing types, but also a juxtaposition of varying
character types. In this view looking west, one side of Pennsylvania Street has multi-story attached homes with an Urban
Character, relatively close to the street and with resident parking accommodated at the rear via an alley, along with
dedicated curb space for on-street parking. Directly across the street and also fronting along Pennsylvania are single-
story detached homes, set back from the street and with definite Auto Urban character due to garages in the front façade
of each home and driveways that take up half or more of each front yard.
4. Not Only on Private Property. Public and
institutional sites in Littleton also exhibit a wide
range of characters, with Auto Urban situations
often related to the amount of public visitation
they receive, which results in large areas of
surface parking (e.g., the Arapahoe Community
College campus near Littleton’s urban
downtown, sizable parking areas required for
Littleton Adventist Hospital and larger places of
worship, and even a portion of the Heritage
High School site amid a largely Suburban
residential character area in south Littleton).
St. Mary’s Catholic Church and School, between
Santa Fe Drive and Prince Street, is one of many
examples illustrating the amount of surface parking
required for active institutional uses, bringing an
Auto Urban look and feel into otherwise green and
less intensively developed areas of Littleton.