Page 156 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 156
The concept of borrowed space refers to the idea that open space on certain properties can be “borrowed” by residents
or occupants of adjoining properties, thereby expanding their view of open space from their own property. Borrowed
space can involve open areas on both public and private properties, including lakes, reservoirs, rivers, creeks, and ponds.
While neighbors and visitors may have access, even in the case of some adjoining private property, it is visual versus
physical access to open space that is borrowed. Such borrowing of visual openness continues literally forever in the case
of public parks, trails, greenways, and other land in public ownership or otherwise dedicated to ongoing public use.
Public borrowed space can add to the greater sense of openness that is already found in Rural, Estate, and Suburban
character areas. In areas with Auto Urban and Urban character, the ability to borrow the open space provided by public
parks and areas of water is especially valuable. The Mary Carter Greenway and South Platte Park are classic examples
of public borrowed space amid developed areas of Littleton.
Private borrowed space may also involve land that is intended to be preserved as
open space for the long term, with minimal or no land development activity. More
often, however, it is temporary borrowed space involving vacant land that will
eventually be developed. The accompanying graphic, in the top view, illustrates how
residents of an area enjoy the benefit of undeveloped private land on an adjacent
property. They may experience a sense of loss as the adjacent property also changes
to further residential development, as shown in the middle view. Depending on the
nature of the developments, the character of the broader area may transition given the
overall decline in quantity and visibility of open space. The bottom view illustrates how
a cluster development approach maintains some amount of permanent open space for
all to enjoy, both on the subject and adjacent properties.
The accompanying map of Borrowed Space in Littleton shows the many and varied
locations from which residents and others can visually borrow open space. This is
primarily public open space given the extent of parks, trails, greenways, and water
features found in the community. As Littleton is nearly a built-out city, only a small
proportion is borrowed space from privately-owned properties.
The community vision and guiding principles adopted by Littleton City Council in
December 2018 emphasize stewardship of assets and the need to protect the
community’s “cherished natural setting in harmony with new development and
redevelopment.” The Envision Report also cites core values in Littleton, which include
a passion for and/or a commitment to:
• Stewardship of river and open space assets;
• The integrity of natural resources and Littleton’s open space endowment; and
• The quality of both open space and the built environment.
Goals and policies in the City’s new Comprehensive Plan will build on and reinforce Littleton’s overall vision and guiding
principles. Given the values and priorities cited above, the concept of borrowed space and its contribution to community
character will be an important consideration during future land use planning discussions for Envision Littleton.
To the left, public open
space at Ketring Park that
is borrowed by residents of
adjacent homes. To the
right, private open space on
undeveloped, commercially
zoned property just north of
Mineral Avenue that is
borrowed for the time being
by nearby residents.