Page 169 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 169



                You guide us              Coordinating               Throughout the process of defining the unifying
                                                                     vision for the City of Littleton in 2018, the
                through each           Committee helps us            community shared stories and memories about
                    phase                 think through  the         Littleton, along with their desires and concerns
                                            scenarios and how        for its future. This input has been the basis of
                                               best to get more
                                                input from our       beginning the work of the Comprehensive Plan
                                                  community          and Transportation Master Plan in 2019. Hearing
                                                                     directly from our community was the most
                                                                     important input that we received throughout
                                                                     the process. We listened to the community
         Joint leadership                                            needs and studied the existing conditions in our
           makes the                                                 city. Then we compared what we learned and
          decisions based                        Project             created next steps. The continuous community
           on your feedback                 management               involvement was critical in each phase to
            and the technical             and technical
                  findings           team develop the                learning about the city and sharing experiences
                                                                     so that the next steps were easy to identify.

        When will we make decisions?

               1                     2                     3                     4                     5

             PHASE 1               PHASE 2               PHASE 3               PHASE 4               PHASE 5

              Review                                  Develop future          You help us          City Council
           existing data         Analyze what            scenarios           decide what          and Planning
           and overview           we learned           based on the           is possible          Commission
           of the City of         and create           needs of you          and together           review and
              Littleton           next steps            and the city         we prioritize        adopt the final
                                                                               scenarios               plan

                         November 2018  - July 2019                          August 2019           October 2019

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