Page 29 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 29
This designation is for residential areas where Suburban character is established and preserved by achieving a balance
between buildings and other site improvements relative to the degree of open space maintained within the neighborhood.
The openness may be found in relatively large yard areas on individual lots and between homes and/or in common green
spaces or water features. This distinguishes Suburban character areas from more auto-oriented residential areas where
site coverage in the form of dwellings, driveways and other paved surfaces predominates relative to undeveloped space.
Suburban Residential character area around S. Coventry Lane in west Littleton.
Primary Land Use Types
• Detached residential dwellings. Example Proportions
of Suburban Character
• Planned developments that may integrate other housing types (e.g., attached Elements
residential such as patio homes or townhomes), with increased open space to
preserve an overall Suburban character.
• Less noticeable accommodation of the automobile compared to more intensive
auto-oriented areas, especially where residential driveways are on the side of
homes rather than occupying a portion of the front yard space and where garages are
situated to the side or rear of the dwelling.
• A larger baseline minimum lot size in a Suburban Residential zoning district allows
for deeper front yards and building setbacks and greater side separation between
homes. Character-based zoning and development standards can also discourage
overly standardized subdivision designs and promote conservation design by allowing for
varied lot sizes and establishing a link between lot size and preserved open space. Then any lots smaller than the
baseline require an even higher level of open space set-aside on the overall site. This approach enables some viable
use of sites partially
constrained by topography or
other factors. It also provides
flexibility for additional
housing forms that blend with
the area’s Suburban
Residential character through
additional on-site open space
and perimeter buffering where
differing housing types and
NOTE: Graphics for illustrative purposes only. Source: Kendig Keast Collaborative. densities are adjacent.
Adopted October 15, 2019