Page 25 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 25
For context, the map also shows locations of preserved open space, public parkland, and private recreation sites
(e.g., swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds, and other amenities maintained by homeowner associations).
The Open Space category includes the community’s lone cemetery, along Prince Street north of Ridge Road, which is
another physical feature that distinguishes Littleton from other area cities – and the historic nature of which could qualify
it for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
The following descriptions indicate the anticipated principal uses in each category, plus the intended character of the
areas in which the land uses occur, abut, or mix. Public and institutional uses commonly occur in all of these areas and
should match the character. Specific standards for land development based on these designations are articulated through
the City’s implementing regulations (zoning and subdivision) as they currently exist and may be further amended over
time based on this planning guidance.
Adopted October 15, 2019