Page 24 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 24



        VERSUS ZONING                            The community character approach to evaluating and planning for land

        The side-by-side comparison on the       use emphasizes the variation in physical conditions experienced along a
        previous page highlights the distinct    spectrum from natural and rural landscapes at the edges of a community
        purposes and uses of a future land use   to its most urbanized environments. Looking beyond land use alone, a
        map relative to a zoning map. The City’s   character-based approach focuses on development intensity, which
        development regulations are among the    encompasses:
        primary tools for implementing the Plan.
        The zoning and subdivision regulations,     The density and layout of residential development;
        in particular, can play a significant role in
        establishing and protecting the physical    The scale and form of non-residential development; and
        character of the community. These
        regulations delineate land use districts and    The building and pavement coverage relative to the extent of
        the uses permitted within them, together    open space and natural vegetation or landscaping.
        with standards for buildings and site    How the automobile is accommodated is a key factor in distinguishing
        improvements. As a result, the zoning and
        subdivision regulations largely direct   character types including how public streets are designed, how parking is
        development outcomes. Although the Plan   provided, and how buildings and paved areas are arranged on sites.
        and future land use map provide only     Among the three major character classes:
        general planning guidance, they become
        the basis for updates of the zoning and     Rural character areas have wide open spaces where structures and
        subdivision regulations and the Zoning      paved surfaces occupy only a minimal portion of the landscape.
        Map.                                        Suburban character areas have noticeably less intensive use of land,
        LAND USE PLANNING                           with open and green spaces balancing – or, in Estate areas, exceeding
                                                    – the extent of land covered by structures and paved surfaces.
        WITH CHARACTER                              Urban character areas exhibit the greatest pedestrian orientation,

                                                    through a more compact scale and “architectural enclosure” of streets
        Map 1 shows areas within Littleton
        designated in 16 categories that address    by buildings situated close to front property lines and sidewalks.
        both use and character:                  Within the Urban class, Auto Urban character areas are a particular

        •  Estate Residential                    planning challenge as they are designed mainly to accommodate
        •  Suburban Residential                  automobile circulation and parking. Land cover by buildings and paved
                                                 surfaces is similar to Urban areas, but without the walkability emphasis.
        •  Suburban Residential Attached
        •  Suburban Residential Multi-Family
        •  Auto-Oriented Residential
        •  Auto-Oriented Residential Attached
        •  Auto-Oriented Residential Multi-Family
        •  Residential Mix
        •  Mixed Character Core Neighborhood
        •  Suburban Commercial
        •  Suburban Business Park
        •  Auto-Oriented Commercial
        •  Corridor Mixed Use
        •  Urban Downtown Transition
        •  Urban Downtown Mixed Use
        •  Urban Downtown Main Street

                                                    Adopted October 15, 2019
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