Page 110 - Northville Township
P. 110

Figure 30, Existing Pathway along Johnson
             4     New Pathway Projects Underway                Creek Drive

             Northville maintains a pathway plan to review and
             develop pedestrian pathways throughout the community.
             Approximately 22 miles of hard-surfaced public pathways
             are currently located along the area’s major east-west
             and north-south roadways, as well as in many of the
             subdivisions. These pathways, along with those proposed
             for future development, can be seen on Map 6. A
             Pathways Advisory Committee was created to prioritize
             pathway projects. Six projects have been identified, four
             of which are in progress. (Source: Northville State of the
             Community Presentation)
                                                                                         Source: Google Maps
             Map 6, Northville Existing and Proposed Pathways
                                 C H A RT E R   T O W N S H I P  O F  N O RT H V I L L E
                                          E X I S T I N G  A N D   P R O P O S E D  PAT H WAY S
                                  C I T Y   O F   N O V I                      C I T Y   O F   N O V I
                   O A K L A N D   C O U N T Y                                               O A K L A N D   C O U N T Y
                                                                                              W A Y N E   C O U N T Y
                     W A Y N E   C O U N T YEight Mile Rd  Moraine             Eight Mile Rd
                                                                                Silver        M E A D O W B R O O K
                                                                  CITY          Elementary     C O U N T RY
                                                                                               C LU B
                                Maybury State Park
               P                                                                                            A
               I                                                                                            I
               H     Seven Mile Rd                          Fish                                            N
               S                                            Hatchery                              Seven Mile Rd  O
               N                                                                                            V
               W                              Beck Rd                Sheldon Rd                             I  L
               O               Ridge Rd                                      Northville Rd
               T W A S H T E N A W   C O U N T Y W A Y N E   C O U N T Y                                    F
                                                                          Edward Hines                      O
               M                                                                                            Y
                                                                                         Henningsen Park
               L                                         Northville High                 Police Headquarters  T  I
               A                                          School                             Six Mile Rd    C
               S  Thayer's
                 Nature Area                                Fire  Municipal       Meads Mill
                                                           Headquarters  Offices  Middle School
                    Six Mile Rd  Ridge Wood                Millennium Park
                Napier Rd                                                                          BUSHWOOD COURSE  Haggerty Rd
                                          Water and Sewer
                                                                 Memorial  Edward
                                           Northville  NORTHVILLE           Hines
                                           Community   GOLF  CLUB
                            Coldwater Springs  Linear Park
                            Nature Area
                  Five Mile Rd                                                        Five Mile Rd  Elementary
                                               C H A R T E R   T O W N S H I P   O F   P L Y M O U T H
                                               Existing 5' Pathway  Proposed 5' Pathway
                                               Existing 8' - 10' Pathway  Proposed 10' Pathway
                                               Existing Woodchip Pathway  Proposed Woodchip Pathway  Geographical data provides a spatial representation only.
                                                                                                      Northville Township does not assume any damages
             WWW.TWP.NORTHVILLE.MI.US                                                                or liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or
                                                                                                      misuse of the information provided.
                                                                                                    PUBLICATION DATE:  JANUARY 29, 2022
                                             Source: Northville Community Parks and Recreation Plan, 2019-2023
        106   NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP Master Plan
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